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How to translate Latest and Featured on frontpage virtuemart 2

Started by Ewout, August 03, 2013, 10:40:27 AM

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Hi guys,

I'm now searching for days even tried to change the whole nx-product script into my language but i never got it right.
My problem is i can't translate "latest" by products and "Featured" by products on my frontpage.
It's not a module it's somewhere in virtuemart. because i don't have a module with Top Ten, latest and Featured products (not uninstalled disabled
or trashed just not there ) there must be a way to change those two little words.

please help.

Thank you kindly!

Ewout Lokker

Maxim Pishnyak

Probably your localization of VM is not perfect. Did you try to use more newer version of translation?

There is Language manager in Joomla where you could find and translate those words.
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I just updated it to the latest version and also installed the latest
Joomfish module for this template. ( cmssmart 'fashion template'' )

But nothing is just not in any translation file.

pfff and i have a deadline to catch, i just don't know it anymore??

Thanks you  anyway!



Can you provide a link to your shop, so we can have a look at your language problem?
Non-English Shops: Are your language files up to date?


The 'Featured Products' etc are apparently not handled by VirtueMart. Seems to be generated by your template.
In the source code of your frontpage there is:

<div class="nx-latest-view">
<span class="nx-titlelast">products</span>
So you have to search for nx-latest-view and nx-titlelast.
I would use an Editor like the free Notepad++ and use it's 'Search in Files' feature to search in the language files with *.ini extension for "Latest" and "Product". It looks to me like "Latest Products" is built from two seperate words instead of being a single string like in the  Virtuemart frontend language file. If it would be a VirtueMart module, the string would be in the files
at or near line 165.

Please check if your template comes with its own language files. If yes, you might have to create a dutch one.
Non-English Shops: Are your language files up to date?


Unfortunately i went over these files a lot of times,

And there is a file about the topten featured en latest
products although that's a standard VM module and
doesn't have any effect on this Vm2 template.

I found products and it is indeed changeable,
It's in the default.php from virtuemart.
But changing latest and featured separately from each other looks

Kind regards,

Maxim Pishnyak

The easiest solution is to prepare backup of web site, download it and do a text search in that archive with the help for example of Total Commander.
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Two other options are:
1. Ask the developers of your template/slider extension how to translate those words.
2. Disable/uninstall the slider and use the original VirtueMart modules instead.
Non-English Shops: Are your language files up to date?


Thank you guys, I tried all the options that or on here, except
Asking fdr help to the creators, that's what i'm going to do
right away. If i have the solution i come back and post it.

Best regards Ewout

Maxim Pishnyak

Ewout, I'm afraid you need to do a proper multilanguage setup for your web shop.

Currently VM don't need JoomFish to be purely multilanguage. So get rid of JoomFish first of all.

Then post here a link to an article (for creating multilanguage web site in Joomla 2.5 CMS) that you used in your work.

I'll help you with it step by step.

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Hi guys!

My solution; it couldn't be translated in any way.
And changing the whole php script in the right words was
nearly impossible.
I solved it like this:

both carousels had the same location H2
with a class that  showed there name in this case
Featured and latest.

I took out the script went back to the vm(templatename)php

And i realized that there was a small banner picture at both
latest and featured.

I gave one link to a photo a different name and created an image
with that name and uploaded it to that image location after i photoshopped the name i wantd on it and did the same with the original image but dien't change the name.
And there it was.. finally to different H2 Names check the site and see what i mean:

Thanks for the assits !!


Maxim Pishnyak

In English version of your web store these headings ARE NOT translated.
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