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Update from 2.0.21g to 2.0.22a wont work

Started by Otto0815, July 26, 2013, 13:58:20 PM

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i've tried to update my testpage from 2.0.21g to 2.0.22a and i got the follwing error:

"-1 - Es ist ein Fehler aufgetreten
Kopieren fehlgeschlagen!     "

The Joomla debug shows the following:

Call stack   
#      Function                                                      Location   
1      JAdministrator->dispatch()                      /www/htdocs/myserveruser/myfolder/administrator/index.php:46   
2      JComponentHelper::renderComponent()      /www/htdocs/myserveruser/myfolder/administrator/includes/application.php:153   
3      JComponentHelper::executeComponent()   /www/htdocs/myserveruser/myfolder/libraries/joomla/application/component/helper.php:351   
4      require_once()                                              /www/htdocs/myserveruser/myfolder/libraries/joomla/application/component/helper.php:383   
5      JController->execute()                              /www/htdocs/myserveruser/myfolder/administrator/components/com_installer/installer.php:18   
6      InstallerControllerInstall->install()             /www/htdocs/myserveruser/myfolder/libraries/joomla/application/component/controller.php:761   
7      InstallerModelInstall->install()                    /www/htdocs/myserveruser/myfolder/administrator/components/com_installer/controllers/install.php:29   
8      JInstaller->install()                                      /www/htdocs/myserveruser/myfolder/administrator/components/com_installer/models/install.php:105   
9      JInstallerComponent->install()                    /www/htdocs/myserveruser/myfolder/libraries/joomla/installer/installer.php:472   
10   JInstallerComponent->update()                      /www/htdocs/myserveruser/myfolder/libraries/joomla/installer/adapters/component.php:219   
11   JInstaller->parseFiles()                                   /www/htdocs/myserveruser/myfolder/libraries/joomla/installer/adapters/component.php:831   
12   JInstaller->copyFiles()                                  /www/htdocs/myserveruser/myfolder/libraries/joomla/installer/installer.php:1299   
13   JFolder::copy()                                                  /www/htdocs/myserveruser/myfolder/libraries/joomla/installer/installer.php:1616   
14   JFolder::copy()                                                 /www/htdocs/myserveruser/myfolder/libraries/joomla/filesystem/folder.php:124   
15   JError::raiseError()                                         /www/htdocs/myserveruser/myfolder/libraries/joomla/filesystem/folder.php:145   
16   JError::raise()                                                /www/htdocs/myserveruser/myfolder/libraries/joomla/error/error.php:251   

I've tried it with the inbuild update funktion of virtuemart and also with the joomla extension manager.
I've set all folders to "777"
After this the virtuemart component is no langer in the components tab
the update from 2.0.18a to 2.0.21g was running without any problems, some couple of days ago
If i try to update the "AIO" component no problem occurs and everything is ok

I'm using Joomla 2.5.7 and, since this is my testsite, it runs on a subdomain......

Any Ideas?


Do you use Live update or did you update with Joomla installer? Did you use the targz install file or the zip encoded update. Live Update seems to
- produce problems if files are large. It depends on server configuration. If the max upload size for files is set to default values, it does produce problems
- some servers seem to have problems with targz files, better use the zip version.
- do NOT set the folders to 777, they should be set to 755

So try the Joomla extension installer. Download the, extract it and install. That should solve the problem.


-I tried the live-updater and the Joomla extension installer
-using the zip package
-extracted it first....

didn't work.....but the joomla update to 2.5.13 also fails with the same error......i think i must dig a little deeper....


Now it works.....

I had to set everything to "777" cause "755" wasn't working

And updated Joomla to 2.5.13
