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Lighting the fires under Virtuemart 2.0.20b

Started by wizardofaus, July 16, 2013, 20:54:08 PM

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My company has a website that was built with Joomla and Virtuemart that I am currently aggressively working on improving. The live version is up at, and is running under Joomla 2.5.11, Virtuemart 2.0.20b, and is using the following assortment of plugins:

AcyMailing, AkeebaBackup, Akeeba Admin Tools, AwoCoupon, CacheCleaner, Cherry Picker CF, ChronoForms, CSVI, FrontPage Slideshow, InterExt, ITPSubscribe, JotCache, JCH Optimize, JSN PowerAdmin, Maximenu CK, ReDJ, and XMap.

I'm sure this is a loaded question, but since I am getting a lot of flak regarding site load speed, I'd like to know what I'm wasting my time on here, and what would improve speed and appearance.

Maxim Pishnyak

Sometime it doesn't matter what TOOLS you're using on the specific web shop.

Work with each FILE (css, js, png, jpg) could help alot.

EACH file could be smaller.

AMOUNT of files could be lesser.

That's it.
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