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Can you hide virtuemart_product_id Url ?

Started by Pcwolf, July 11, 2013, 11:41:28 AM

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Maxim Pishnyak

It's usually fine to use various 3rd party extensions on the web shop.
But installed 3rd party router.php better must to be removed.

Please post here screen shots of your both Joomla and VM sef settings.
And screen shots of created by you menu items for VM stuff could also help.

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The only router.php that i can find is in the components/com_virtuemart

The image

Maxim Pishnyak

Strange I thought that you're using the last version of VM. I see 2.0.20b under your avatar picture.
When do you think to try and update you web shop?

It could be issue also with your template. Could you switch to some standard joomla template (to Beez5 for example) and check sef issue again.
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Only a update has worked  ;D

I need only to remove: component/virtuemart/gordijnen-detail?Itemid=0 the component/virtuemart/ and the ?Itemid=0 at the end.
But when you click on the item then you don't see the category more before was: Badkmaker/Categorie/item

I take a look on the vm settings, categories and items but all was like before the update.

Also thanks!

Maxim Pishnyak

You're welcome!

Could you direct to me the specific place where ?Itemid=0 issue happened?
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In the items:

But when you click on the link you don't see the item details more, if you see on the categorie meubels:
and if you click on the item they will change to



Above i choosed for option 1:

But when i choose on the Menu Item Badkamer for option 2 then i get what i want: so like badkamer/meubels/gordijnen
and that's what i want  ;D ;D

All works but when you click on the item:

then it redirect you back to badkamer/meubels



All works perfect  ;D
Thanks for the help Maxim Pishnyak  :)

If anyone has this problem too, read this

- First you need to create a product categories in Virtuemart, children product categories:

- Then you need to create a menu item with the Menu Item Type: VirtueMart » VirtueMart Categories Layout.
In the right column: Required Settings choose the category not a children category!!

- If want a children category then create a menu item with the Menu Item Type:  VirtueMart » Category Layout
Down, Parent Item choose where you want the children categorie.
In the right column: Required Settings choose the children category.

Everything should be okay now if not then go to Go to:
Virtuemart > Configuration
Click the Templates tabs
Select the "Show Children Category" check box

Enjoy your shop!