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Skip proceed payment step

Started by markus.palsson, June 13, 2013, 15:46:46 PM

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I'm using joomla 2.5.9 and VM 2.0.20.

When using a payment method that requires a separate payment window, is it possible to skip the intermediate step which requires the customer to press "proceed payment", before ending up at the payment window?

In my specific case I am using DIBS payment gateway for VISA and Mastercard payments. I have a one-page-checkout with the "confirm order" button at the bottom. I would like the customer to be redirected directly to the payment window when pressing the confirm order button.

Best Regards,



I am facing the excact same problem with VM 2 and DIBS payment. We need to be able to skip the step with the "Proceed payment" button.

I have found other users having the same challenge with World Pay, while it works fine with PayPal (both are HTML-Form based?). But so far no solution.

We are willing to pay for this fix, so are anyone up for the challenge?

Best regards
Geir Hagen