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Countries translation

Started by hofitd, July 31, 2012, 16:40:44 PM

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oh thanks... :)

I am in the middle of finishing this ... and is hard to update at the moment.

I downloaded the spanish.ini file somewhere... maybe from you ... and translated allready the countries table, as I told ... and this is crazy ... no way.

I checked all the database... checked all  my joomla and virtuemart files (more than 10.000)  looking for the word ... no way.

Entering the countries tab in VM . I can see  : España   (Spain) [Estates] ... All the names between parenthesis ara still in English...

This can be the source? From where is loading this? Any clue? If not this ...I can do something else?


QuoteI downloaded the spanish.ini file somewhere... maybe from you ... and translated allready the countries table, as I told ... and this is crazy ... no way.
You do not need to translate the country tables.
If you have uploaded the file here:

when the front end is in spanish, the the countries should be displayed in spanish
the same for the back end: if the backend is in spanish, your countries should be displayed in spanish


Thanks Alatak  :) but  this is not working for me under 2.0.14 as I told ...  I remember you said must work under 2.0.10 that s why I am asking.

I Really just checked the table, not changed in any way because was correct spelled ESPAÑA there. I am sure I didn t nothing wrong with this.

Anybody knows from where the word (spain) is loaded in the countries VM tab? as displays default in parenthesis: España  (Spain) [Estates]

I think is my last chance ...

help apreciated :-\


Quotethis is not working for me under 2.0.14 as I told
it does work for that version. I have checked.
I have set up a website with VM 2.0.14 with spanish.
Transferred a file administrator/language/es-ES/es-ES.com_virtuemart_countries.ini
and the countries are in spanish


Sorry, this is only happening to me ...
I am sure it works since 2.0.10 don t get me wrong.
I was trying to find a walkaround with this cause this only happens to me in this site.  Something is wrong. Maybe is not the version it says...
With a fresh installation it works like a charm ... I will begin from scratch don t wanna waste time of people.

Thanks to all. :D


Sorry for my English.
I had a problem with the name of my country in the address, which is to show in English, not my native language. Solutions to this problem have already searched a long time and I could not find anywhere as to why this is happening. In the end I found.
You have to change the name of the country in the configuration store -> countries (look for our country and press on the name, which is in English and change it into our language). That's all.
I hope that helped.