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vmconfig does not save the safety path in New virtuemart 2.0.20b

Started by binarix, March 19, 2013, 01:58:31 AM

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I am using Joomla 2.5.9 and Latest Virtuemart 2.0.20b but when ever I try to save the safe path url. Site goes to Control panel. and it does not save the path at all.

I tried this in 3 browsers thinking that may b because of the browser. But its not. Can someone help me.


Warning, the Safe Path is empty, for safety reasons it is very important to create a folder in a path not accessible by an URL, create also a folder invoices in it to store your sensitive data secure. Our suggested path is for your system /home/uniqueco/public_html/vmfiles, use this link to the config


for GODADDY users. SOLVED   I finally figure it out after calling godaddy.  Virtuemart is possible on shared server.  you dont have to go outside the root. here is what you have to do.
Copy the address/folder the error message is suggesting you, Read the end line of the message.
again...this is my sample , dont copy this one.  Copy the address you have in the end of your error message.

MOST important: add the word HTML before the vmfiles.  that was the mistake I was doing. I was copying the address suggested by VM error message ,but did not add HTML.


ALSO: I created my vmfiles folder on the root using the godaddy ftp access/ or filezilla. maybe you dont have to do it. But I created the folder first and then put the address in VM configuration. it worked after trying crazy for two months.