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[SOLVED] Bank Account Data don't show after migration

Started by melsonmarketing, April 26, 2013, 12:35:13 PM

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I migrated a shop from J1.5.26/VM1.1.9 to J2.5.10/VM2.0.20b:

60 categories, 340 Products, abt. 1300 customers - no problem at all!

BUT: the bank account data don't show up in the account-administration! (both backend and frontend)

The data have been migrated: They ARE in the tables. Right titles, right fieldnames in VM.

Using the debug option I can see, that they are referenced and the values are visible in the database debugger.

When I use the shop in the frontend and go to checkout, the bankdetails are shown in the "bill to informations"...

Strange - any ideas? I suppose it is a template issue?!

The site is running local at the moment, so I can't provide a link unfortunately.

Thanks for any help!


Uuuuh - just found out!

I thought it must be a template or a database issue - so I inspected the userfields (bank details) within the database.

By editing the column "type", I found out that there was an invisible " " charakter in these imported fields.

After removing it, the fields show up in front- and backend!
