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Input "0"disappearing

Started by nickson, April 04, 2013, 11:27:28 AM

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First of all, ive tried to find an answer on this in the subforum product creation. (can be removed i think) But i actually see this as a bug:

I have noticed some strange behavior on product attributes.
Whenever I fill in the number 0 it disappears on checkout and order confirmation.
No mather what input type is used, even with a dropdown with numbers 0,1,2,3,4,5 all numbers display correct. All but the 0.

How can I resolve this, since I sell letters and numbers its critical for me to sometimes fill in a zero.

Thanks in advance.


maybe use the letter O in the drop down option


Thanks for your reply, that would be some kind of a sollution.
Only the problem is, a customer can also input in a custom text box. I simply cant risk that the input is being deleted.

In my current live shop (still old VM) this isn't happening.
If only someone could point me to where I can modify this myself (file and line).
Allthough I just think this shouldn't happen.


Do I need to give more information? If so what kind of information do you need?


In the cart variant but the Number '0"  as    0.    it will stay.


Thats a sollution for now, thanks! I still have the problem that it gets deleted when a customer enters a custom text as 0 but still. Thanks for now!

So partially solved ;)



Hi Just a little thought . If I went to purchase a house number etc or a letter I would expect to find a very clear Variant that states - please purchase a number or numbers as required below I would then expect to have no confusion as to what I an purchasing so you must put in the drop down box - the numbers in this sequence ,  Zero, 1 , 2 , 3 and so on ( write the word Zero as your first Number).  State that numbers are sold in numerical sequence or whole numbers.

The the next product must be letters only - This would be very confusing for me -   You really need two categories or two clear products-  Buy Numbers here -      Buy letters here -   If they want Zero then they must type zero and Not O.

Make that purchase very clear - you'll know what I mean.


Hello John,

Thanks for thinking with me! I allready have two categories one for numbers and one for letters! I used your first sollution and made the option "0."
This seems to work!