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Calc rule behaviour about product categories

Started by gain, February 20, 2013, 12:16:26 PM

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in older versions of VirtueMart (< 2.0.10, I think), I've set a calc rule with a discount on a product category and I'm pretty sure that it was applied on all products belonging to that category and recursively to all products belonging to all subcategories related.

Now (version 2.0.18a) I realized the calc rule is not applied on to products belonging to subcategories, but only for products belonging directly to the category specified in the rule.

So I'm wondering which is the right behaviour of VM?
Have I broke something during updates?
Is there a simple method for selecting a category and all the subcategories from the calc rule edit panel?

Hoping in a reply, thanks in advance...


I think the current way of working gives better control over rules for subcats, ie they can be different than the parent. What you now do to apply a rule to cats & subcats is to select each of those categories in the Product Categories selector for a rule. You can CTRL click to speed it up a bit.
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

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