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[ASK]Product tooltips - example with picture

Started by opreker, February 18, 2013, 12:09:30 PM

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Hi all,
I've been searching this forum but do not find any answer, if there any thread that I miss please direct me, or I missing extenstion or pluggin please let me know

Version :
Joomla! 2.5.4 Stable
VirtueMart 2.0.6

the web I my refer is

the picture example is

When I hover the product it will show tooltips (the tooltips show it description).

I'm using Qlue ToolTip, I've tried to write in description and short description as Qlue ToolTip suggest
Quote{qluetip title=[tooltip]}Tool Tip Text{/qluetip}
but still nothing happed, if you know something, please let me know

Thanks :)

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I hope somebody can tell me some direction, thanks