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Product Pricing, reverse Tax

Started by grimmari, February 17, 2012, 03:22:55 AM

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When come possible to use price with includind 23% VAT and VM calculate original price?

I can not use VM before this is possible!

Regards, Ari


VM tax calculations can - be set to add and subtract the % prices for goods.

Either set the tax at -23% or + 23% on your goods you wish to sell.

I set goods + and - 23% and then bought the good at the reduced price -

The invoice shows the  decrease in price etc.

A $25.00 good was sold at $18.00 (minus)
or an $18.00 good was sold at $25.00 ( plus Tax) These are just rough guess.

Tell you customers on the front page that all goods carry a VAT tax of 23% - actually state this in the text somewhere. or in the invoice and then add the23% tax.

If this is not clear then YOu must give an example of what you require - ??



I know that what you explain but....

price - 23% is not net price.

correct formula is: price * 100/123 if VAT=23%

thats why I can not use -%


Vote here to display price WITH VAT/TAX in the Backend:
Vote aqui para mostrar o preço (já com IVA) na adiministração dos produtos:
VM V. online: J2.5.14 | VM 2.0.20a | SQL 5.1.70 | PHP 5.3.25


I really can not understand why this is problem... Even the Eu standars is what is it.
When you add product there should be selection what price you want to use. And depends the selection system can calculate netprice what is system basic use.

I know that problem comes rounding process but same problem comes if I round end price what showed in front end.
If price is rounded and customer pay it, then I have to again calculate net price to tax booking.....????


I totally agree with Grimmari.

The pricing system used should be decided in the backend. Either it includes taxes or not. The current system unfortunately does not work.

As a webstore owner, I personally, want to set the final price pretty and attractive for the customers. Let's say it will be 14,95€. With the current system I have to test what is the base price so I get the final price right. There is no sense. What I want to do is to set price directly 14,95 and the system calculates VAT rolling this down to the base price what ever it is (and it can have "zillion" digits if necessary).

Milbo, please take this under a serious consideration.
VM | VM 2.0.24c | VM 1.1.9


One of the most important things in every shop is the sales price.
In the VM2 we can not edit the most important Price that is the Final Price.
In the old VM1 this was possible and in the VM 2 this is not possible, and we all have more work to get the final price to users views because we have to do some math, to get the price + VAT/Tax ... Now we must be always with a calculator turnned ON.

Case study: If some other Shop have they FINAL price price to 450€/$ .... and Your webShop has the same product but with different price 500€/$, You have to change it!!! Right ???
You can do a better price so you have to change it to 449€/$, what do you do in VM2?
Takes many time to change many products because we have to take out the rate tax/vat to get the value that we want.

Please some developer give us the right to change directly the Final Price.. this is very very important!!

If you just read this post vote in this POLL HERE:
VM V. online: J2.5.14 | VM 2.0.20a | SQL 5.1.70 | PHP 5.3.25


You can use the product overwrite setting, which is overwriting the final price.

But a possibility to overwrite any single price of the 10 different displayed is sometimes missing yes.
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Currently I have shop and all prices are with VAT. I can't apply any rule to get price without tax. Maybe there is possibility to add more Math Operations - not only + and -. If there would be Math Operation / (divide) we could calculate price without VAT. That would solve the problem. Any suggestions how to change already existing prices with VAT into prices without VAT?