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A page for people that can add there own products to the store

Started by billy13, January 23, 2013, 22:31:15 PM

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Hello everyone,

Just a quick thing before I ask my question and I have to say that VirtueMart is the best e-commerce cms i have ever used.

Now the question,

I'd like a separate page away from the admin panel so users can add there own items to the shop/database, i run a fansite for a game and I use VirtueMart as a catalog to display the list of items in the game

You can visit my virtuemart here to give you more of an idea of what  I  mean:

There are over 1,000 products that need adding and I need a page that can add products to different catagories but i'd like it to be usable for anyone, is this possible? if not does anyone know of any plugin/script that can add multiple products at a time or quickly add products, I only publish 3 products per minute and this isn't good enough, I need to publish at least 10 per minute or 6 because there are so many to publish.

Thank you


No... Virtuemart 2 doesn't allow product submission from the frontend.
You may just go ahead and create a custom php form that would insert the product into the database.


Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

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