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display price by shopper group

Started by makevalue, October 10, 2012, 21:28:44 PM

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In VM 1.x, VM offered a choice to display prices or display in a catalogue mode with no prices.  When I look at the shopper group configuration in version 2, it appears that I have a choice to display prices or not for each shopper group.

Is that correct?

If if is correct, then I need some technical help.  I have appropriate user groups set up.  For the default shopper group, the checkbox for show prices is not checked.  But when I set another user group to show prices, prices show in all user groups.

The only thing that seems confusing is the order of the user groups.  I read a board about pricing enabled above a certain level.  I don't see this option in VM 2 but it was there in VM 1.  Am I missing something or is this old documentation?

Here is the site and version information:

Thanks for any ideas.



I'm confused about user groups as well.

The procedure I'm following is as follows

Create a shopper group
Set enable group specific price display "on"
Set Show prices "on"

On each product I can add shopper groups to each product.
On each product I can add a price to any givengroup.

Right after adding a new price I can't seem to make dropdowns for user groups price to work properly.
Then I save it and records are not saved.

Have you experienced this also?

Did you solve your issues?
