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Featured products menu item

Started by sandomatyas, August 21, 2017, 15:56:13 PM

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I want to display all of featured products as the front page of my site with 'category' layout. Is it possible? How should I do that? I created a vm category menu item with 'top level category', featured products: yes, all of them are no, but there aren't any products. Have I missed something?

Studio 42

You can use my module you have a filter "featured product" and can be combined with other filters, you can select cateogyr layout, so it render same as a standard category.
Or another way is to create a category "featured" and add all your featured product inside this category.


Hm. There's no standard VM feature to list featured/discounted products, just via 3th party extension or extra category? Don't get me wrong but maybe it should be a basic feature :)

Studio 42

You can display featured, but with another layout using the core product module.
The 2 solution provided can display featured with same layout as you want.


In current VM versions you can set this using the menu configuration - eg She featured - yes, Show rows for featured products 20  would show up to 20 rows of featured products, but if there are only 6 products it would display just two rows (if products per row is set to 3)  Test it, but maker sure that settings are not overriden in Config/templates
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

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