Migrate Virtuemart 1.1 to Version 2 does not work (I followed the tutorial)

Started by DimitriDV, January 25, 2013, 11:19:17 AM

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I think we all know this great tutorial: http://www.ostraining.com/blog/joomla/virtuemart-11-to-version-2/
Step6 does not work for me. It contains this sentence:

"You can now go to Components > Virtuemart and confirm that all your data is intact and the upgrade has been made."

When I do this, I can see this error message on a blank page: COM_VIRTUEMART_MIGRATION_WARN_VM1_EXTENSIONS
This means: "You have still old vm extensions in your joomla installation active"

BUT before I did the upgrade, there were no VM module in the Module Manager.

We also need to disable all of the Virtuemart modules.
Go to Extensions > Module Manager.
Use the Filter to search for Virtuemart Modules.
Click the checkbox at the top of the column to select them all.
Click Disable.

We also need to disable all the Virtuemart plugins:
Go to Extensions > Plugin Manager.
Use Filter to search for plugins.
Disable all Virtuemart plugins.

I could not find any VM module or plugin before I did the upgrade

I think the solution lies in deleting all old VM files and folders through FTP.
I already changed /components/com_virtuemart/ to /components/ORIGINALcom_virtuemart/

Should I delete this folder? Should I delete more folders?
I cannot browse to Components / VirtueMart so I am stuck.

If there is an expert, I am willing to pay for a solution.