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PDF and SWF file upload with Product Images File Upload Option

Started by, January 08, 2013, 16:49:07 PM

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I hope someone can help me with adding the following code to the right place (target="_blank") to allow me to open a pdf or a swf file in a new window.
Basically I have managed to upload a PDF and a SWF file using the Product Images File Upload Option but when I click on the thumbnail for the PDF or SWF it opens in the same window when I need it to open in a new window. Please check out this page to see what I mean:
I know it can be done but I can not find the file to do this anyone know what the file name and location is would be a great help.


OK I have now worked out that the file URL for the PDF, SWF and Image file is held with in the database. But I can not work out what file gets this data and displays it as an image with a link. As I need to add an open in new tab/browser to work when the user selects the PDF or SWF.

Please someone help me find this file.