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[ SOLVED ] Problem with Price from a Product

Started by stfnjng, November 29, 2012, 12:08:16 PM

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Hi everybody,

i´m the new one!  :)

i´m actually working on an joomla shop (2.5.7 with VirtueMart 2.0.14) ...

i try to take 3 way to get a price for a product:
way 1 - a product normally in the shop, has a price and customer can put it into the basket
way 2 - the product is in the shop but has no price  ... so customer can ask for a price

--- thats all good and easy to configurate but no its gonna be tricky and i need help

way 3 - the product is in the shop with no price.
in the product-description is via html a flash-file that contains a configuration tool to customize the product.
at the end of configuration in flash, the price will be show in a textfield (var) ...
actually, i can take a click on a button in flash and the product will be moved to basket but:
the price will not be shown in basket.

has anyone an idea how to send strings and vars into the basket!?

thanks a lot to all for any ideas and: sorry for my bad english but schools out a few years ago!




Problem is shipped to Hell! Configurate in Flash, show'n in Basket and Order via VM - Works perfect! ;)