Company information- Required fields, but i dont need all fields to be displayed

Started by Gedrochtje, May 03, 2013, 14:58:15 PM

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I'm using Joomla 2.5.11 with virtuemart 2.0.02.B

I want to fill in information about our company who sells te products, which will be shown to customers.

When I go to store -> additional information, i can fill in certain fields.

But, I dont want to fill in:
Title, forname or state.
But those fields are required if I want to continue.

State: I live in a small country, we dont use states that much
Title/forname:  I dont want a single person as an owner.

How can i achieve this?

Sorry for my bad english, and I searched the forum but i couldnt find an answer.


This will not be displayed on frontend if you fill in anything.

& have you looked in configuration/shopper fields

some can be disabled
