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Cart not updating after update from 2.0.13 to 2.0.14

Started by Otto0815, November 27, 2012, 15:01:07 PM

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since the update to version 2.0.14 my cart is no longer updating.

If i click on "Add to Cart" on the productdetails page, the pop-up window appears and the minicart is showing correctly the item i added.

If i now click on the "contine shopping" link in the pop-up windows, the cart items disappear....

When i now click again on "Add to Cart" the item is 2 times in the cart (so the first one is remembered)...if i then click "contine shopping" again the items from the cart disappear again...

If i click on "go to cart" all items are showing correctly...

Has someone an solution for this?




Please provide a live url to check it.
Please use firebug and check any js conflicts take place
Also please check if you have cache enabled, if yes disable it and try again

Production: Joomla 2.5.8 | VM 2.0.14 | PHP 5.3.13
Testing     : Joomla 2.5.8 | VM 2.0.16 | PHP 5.3.8
Testing     : Joomla 2.5.8 |    VM 2.1   | PHP 5.3.8

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it had been the cache......

But won't the page be slower with cache disabled?



You have to optimize caching and JS compression technics. This should be done when your project is get finished. I use JotCache to exclude some parts of virtuemart 2 from caching. You have to deeper on that. Also 99% of the sites enabling by default cache, CSS, JS optimization will have issues, you have to solve that issues one by one. Personally i leave site caching, js, css compression, minify,etc  as the last step when develop a site, never used them at the development state.

Production: Joomla 2.5.8 | VM 2.0.14 | PHP 5.3.13
Testing     : Joomla 2.5.8 | VM 2.0.16 | PHP 5.3.8
Testing     : Joomla 2.5.8 |    VM 2.1   | PHP 5.3.8

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- Please do not PM with support questions, use the forum!