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BasePriceWithTax NOT displaying on frontend.

Started by toad78, November 03, 2012, 00:09:11 AM

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What I'm trying to do (VM2.0.12d)(Joomla 2.5+):

Show the Base Price With tax with a strike-through if there is an 'Override' price
Show the Sale price of the item

What I don't see:
Base Price With Tax with a strike-through

I've attached images of my settings and would appreciate some guidance.

Thank you.

[attachment cleanup by admin]



Please upgrade to 2.012f ... then update your custom template according to:

also download from the files to check template corrections.

There are some changes on the template and now by default the base price is strikeout if discount presented.

Searching the forum you could find and other custom solutions for that, like:
and this:

Production: Joomla 2.5.8 | VM 2.0.14 | PHP 5.3.13
Testing     : Joomla 2.5.8 | VM 2.0.16 | PHP 5.3.8
Testing     : Joomla 2.5.8 |    VM 2.1   | PHP 5.3.8

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- Please do not PM with support questions, use the forum!


Quote from: bytelord on November 03, 2012, 00:25:26 AM

Searching the forum you could find and other custom solutions for that, like:
and this:


Thank you, bytelord.

I'll move forward with upgrading and see if I can accomplish what I need to do.

As for the links, I've been there before prior to posting and was rather confused with all of the banter. I hope that 'f' will bring an easier solution.


Okay, I've upgraded to 'f' but I guess I'm still confused as to how to get the price to cut if an item is on 'Sale' (discounted price).

It should be easy to set this up, but I'm still not getting the picture.

No matter what I try to do, I still cannot get the 'Retail' price to have a strike-through when an object is on 'Sale' (capture.png).

Capture3.png shows my settings: which I must be missing something.

Capture2.png displays in code view what I don't understand. Why isn't the Base Price isn't falling under 'span-price-crossed' PricebasePriceWithTax?

I wish I could find a step-by-step process on how to make this work.

[attachment cleanup by admin]


Okay, I've managed to open up a can of worms here.

I've been able to figure out the price crossed, but now I have another problem. What if the product is not on 'Sale'? Is there any way to modify VM2 to where if the product does not have a price 'Override' that the only price displayed is the 'Base Price'?

[attachment cleanup by admin]



Basically the final price should be the only price to show. Are you using 2.0.12f?

Please take a look over here:

Production: Joomla 2.5.8 | VM 2.0.14 | PHP 5.3.13
Testing     : Joomla 2.5.8 | VM 2.0.16 | PHP 5.3.8
Testing     : Joomla 2.5.8 |    VM 2.1   | PHP 5.3.8

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- Please do not PM with support questions, use the forum!


Yes. I'm using (f) and I've banged my head rereading that same post.

I'm still not getting anywhere close to my goal.

I guess I don't understand why it's so hard to only have the Retail price show if the item is not on sale and have have both the Retail price and Sale price show if the item is on sale with the Retail price crossed out.


Production: Joomla 2.5.8 | VM 2.0.14 | PHP 5.3.13
Testing     : Joomla 2.5.8 | VM 2.0.16 | PHP 5.3.8
Testing     : Joomla 2.5.8 |    VM 2.1   | PHP 5.3.8

- Don't Forget to mark thread as solved when it is solved!
- Please do not PM with support questions, use the forum!