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Looking to code integration to cloud based accounting software

Started by victorjonsson, November 02, 2012, 10:37:02 AM

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Hi there.

I'm setting up a webshop for a client. The client has an accounting system already and It would be best if I could integrate VM2 in a way that allows all orders to go through the accounting software. (it has a SOAP interface)

I imagine VM2 sending the information to the accounting software, from where the invoice will be sent. So my client keeps all their stuff in the same place.

On successful order, the information would be sent (or put into a DB table for later sync).
I've been googling, reading the forums, reading the documentiation.

I guess the correct place to do this integration is via a payment plugin that triggers when the order has been placed.

I've been looking at the documentation here:
But it seems it's outdated? There's no vmPaymentPlugin to extend.

I guess I'll try to base my plugin on vmpayment/standard.php. Would the plgVmConfirmedOrder event be the right one to trigger?

Any tips & links are greatly appreciated.

Regards, Victor