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reviews & ratings

Started by Jackle123, October 18, 2012, 06:33:45 AM

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G'day all
I am a newby in this forum and till 2 months ago I didn't even know what HTML was. I was able to write a letter in word documents and print it, but that was it. since then I have build my website in Joomla and added virtuemart. had a few hickups and falls along the way and I managed to lock myself out of my own website completely, yep, I couldnt get back in to the admin area, and neither into Cpanel.

I've managed to get everything up and running again after reading day and night.
There are 2 things that I am unable to resolve and can't find answers to on the internet.
1) revies & ratings, I just can't get it to work, I have tried every setting I could find (in configuration) but is just doesn't work. (Ihave to mention that my customers don't have to register with me if they want to buy something).  does anyone have a solution for thsi problem?

2) shoppers: from what I understand from what I read is that when a customer bought smething on my website their details should show up in the "orders" section in admin, and they should automatically be added to the "SHOPPERS" section.
I do get their purchases etc under the orders section, but they are not added to the shoppers list. the only one"s in the shoppesr list is me and the super user.
can anyone help me out here and tell this dumbo what to do in details.
I use Joomla 2.5 and Vm2.
your help is appreciated a lot.