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Problems installing Flex2 Shipping

Started by tobymccoll, October 19, 2012, 17:30:18 PM

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Quite new to Viruemart/Joomla,  but I really am stuck.
I am trying to install Flex 2 shipping module to Virtuemart but I am running into issues.

Files have been uploaded to my server.  Although I did not have the folders set up already so I created them (created the folders in red)

So I think this might be an issue as well as the below.

BUT.. the main issue that I have is that under the configuration  options page is that there is no 'Shipping' tab.
I have - Shop - Storefront  - Templates - Pricing - Checkout - Product order settings - SEO.

But no shipping tab as per the instructions...

3. Go to Store > Shipping Module List
   Click on "Flex2-Configure Ship Method".

Any help would be much appreciated.




That module is for the no-longer supported VirtueMart 1.1 series. You appear to be using the current VirtueMart version on which that module will not work.
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

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