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Vrituemart manufacturer collections ?

Started by freshqa, September 26, 2012, 12:41:04 PM

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Hello everyone!

I am strugglin' hard with virtuemart manufacturers, so here is what i want:

i want manufacturer page to contain products ( all of them, who are marked with this specific manufacturer )
i want manufacturer page to containt manufacturer categories (for example, we have manufacturer and he got products in all over categories, but all hes products are divided into 5 collections) is that possible to do ?

here is a scheme of what i am talking about:

manufacturer page -> LIST: collection1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ... and so on ; DIV below list: with all the products of manufacturer;

Anyone can tell me how to do this? Or point me which methods to use ? Is it possible to do this on virtuemart 2 ?

Thanks in advance



I'm sure there is an extension where you can sort by manufacturer but I'd just add new categories called by the names or your manufacturers and then add the product to both.
You will then have a product search and a manufacturer search (category) - In 2.0.10 -11d you can now add a product or lots of products to a category very quickly and move them around.

* try that first


WoW :D

An easy way to manage this you got there :D

I forgot i can use different layout for category!