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How to know the link of "my basket", and other user menus?

Started by ana648, September 28, 2012, 21:29:28 PM

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I've deleted all the menus of VirtueMart because I want to make them handly, but now I can't find the links of "my basket", "my account", etc.

Somebody knows how to find this links? (with the example of an other website)

If we can't, I'd like to put back the menus. Is it possible?

Thank you (and sorry for my english).


J'ai supprimé tous les menus de VirtueMart sur mon site, car je voulais les refaire à la main (de manière plus discrète). Mais je n'arrive pas à trouver les liens vers "mon panier", "mon compte", et autres...

Quelqu'un sait comment trouver ces liens? (peut-être en reprenant le chemin d'une page sur un autre site)

Si ce n'est pas possible de retrouver ces liens, il faudrait que je ré-active ces menus, mais je ne les trouve nul part. Comment faire?

Merci beaucoup.


Make a new menu item in Joomla's main menu and for Menu Item Type  you will see that you can make links to any/all of the following:

        Shopping Cart
        VirtueMart Categories Layout
        Category Layout
        Manufacturer Default Layout
        Manufacturer Details Layout
        List Orders
        Product Details Layout
        Account Maintenance
        User Edit Address
        Displays vendor contact
        Displays vendors
        Displays vendor details
        View vendor TOS
        Front page

Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

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