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To many categories are slowing down my virtuemart store!

Started by peter_pan, July 16, 2012, 20:08:36 PM

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I run Joomla 2.5.6 and VirtueMart 2.0.8 c
I checked all possible problems. I added a little over 7000 categories, which are displayed in a front page, in a drill down module type.

Page load time is about 40-50 seconds. If i disable the module that displays the categories, site runs normally. Changing the module is useless.

Does anyone have any suggestions?

Thanks !


We also have large number of categories (nearly 5000).
Initially we created menus items for the first 2000, this made the whole backend slower and the frontend to crash.
The second idea that we have is to convert the categories to custom fields and use a custom field filter to drill down to products list. But we are afraid that the big number of custom fields will also slow down everything.
So we have developed an Ajax category search filter which allows you to search the categories using keywords. By selecting a category you are directed to that category view.
I am not sure if I was of help, but dealing with large number of categories is an issue.


We crossed the problem otherwise. I quit using drill down module, and I posted on the front page 3 main categories, and from there you can enter in those 7000+ categories gradually. In this way, the store is working great, and the backend too.

The cause was the module that require the database queries for all categories and products on front page and at every page load.

In this conditions i cannot say that is a virtuemart problem. The problem belongs to the modules designed to handle the categories.

(sorry from my bad english) and Thanks for posting!


Hi guys,

Why not approach your issue using AJAX requests?

So ultimately you're only showing the top most category, and the sub-categories (recursive) will only load when the user clicks to expand a particular branch. Will definitely load quicker as it's not doing unnecessary calls to the DB, and function how you originally wanted it to.

Should look into it.


Just displaying 7000 categories, just the name and the images is too much for any browser. You must use ajax.
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Can you point me in the direction to do the AJAX requests to show the child categories of the current category in a left menu type display?

I have been trying to find a solution to this for my navigation.

Currently I am using the VMCategory module, but it only shows 2 levels and isn't based on the current category, but the parent category.

You can see it here

Your insight is greatly appreciated.
