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Completely remove discount

Started by hajo, August 20, 2012, 09:24:01 AM

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Is it possible to remove the discount entirely from virtuemart?

I don't offer any discount and I don't want my customers think others do get discount. I removed it in cart with an override but is shows up on all other carts, views and invoices as well. Or do I have to override each?

I hope you can help me.


I think you will have to show us where your discount is showing up?

As we are not sure even how you are showing it?

use an image


dear John,

The collumn with discount is displayed on every screen or pdf invoice I've seen yet all discount prices are 0.00 €. Originally on the cart screen but I made an override. On orderinformation, on all screens with a display of the order or the prices in generally.

I've disabled discount on all my five test products.

I have a print of the page you get if you push the button see your order on-line in the email the customer gets.

It shows the column with the discount. All prices are 0.00 but still. We don't have discounts in our shop.

I am dutch so I have difficulties in translating all the page names.

Thanks for your help!


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Hi hajo,

The fact that a discount COLUMN is displayed, does not mean that discounts are being used, unfortunately the only way to remove it completely is to remove it from all the template pages in the views.

From memory, there's really only 3 or 4 pages, but if you're using DreamWeaver, you can easily do a search through the entire folder.

Good luck.


Hi Ivus,

I was afraid this would be so.

Well I'll do that. It may take some time but it's worth it.

It might be on new option in virtuemarts future. But I think its quite a job to do. I haven't that skills though.

Thank you for your help!



Hi Ivus

This is not a technical problem as such, but it should be addressed as I can see my customers (falsely realizing that there is a discount to be had) abandoning the cart and rushing off to a coupon site.


Hi Valdez360,

I see what you're saying, but as I mentioned before the only solution is to edit your cart template page. You can simple just remove that column or if you're feeling fancy, wrap each of the discount columns in a conditional statement.

Good luck.