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Changing related products view

Started by Menace, August 08, 2012, 10:04:32 AM

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I'm using related products on productdetails page.

What I want to achieve is to add information to the related products template. At the moment it just shows the product image and description. I want to add price and productdetails button there.

If I use <?php echo $this->product->prices['salesPrice']; ?> it shows the price of the main product of the detailpage it is on. All other formats of the pricecall gives me no output on frontpage.

So I'm wondering if my plan is possible at all.

What I am trying to achieve is a productdetails view like this:
Main product name, image, description

1. related product with name, price and details button
2. related product with name, price and details button

Is there a way to do this?