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How to remove/modify checkout "Info: Message sent to [...]

Started by superdre, August 01, 2012, 04:05:56 AM

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Hi, can someone help where i can disable in Virtuemart 2.x the info messagge:

"Info: Message sent to.....

that shows when someone finish an order.
I could find the solution for virtuemart 1.x here:, but i couldnĀ“t find any "ps_order.php" file (administrator/components/com_virtuemart/classes/ps_order.php)
y try to look for the code with PHiSearch with 0 result.
Any help?


here i attach an image of the alert message.

[attachment cleanup by admin]


Hi superdre,

Firstly, that topic you were reading was for VM1.1 which would explain why the files don't exist in your install.


site_root/administrator/components/com_virtuemart/model/orders.php @line 1155 comment/remove that line:

vmInfo( JText::_($string,false).' '.$order['details']['BT']->first_name.' '.$order['details']['BT']->last_name. ', '.$order['details']['BT']->email);

Not however that function line is used globally in the front end and the back end. So when you update the status of an order and want to notify the user, you won't see that notice anymore.

I hope this helps. ;D