Solved:24hrs reading and testing checkout process - VM2 checkout is just stuck

Started by alanski, July 26, 2012, 00:40:54 AM

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VM 2.08e / J25.6/php5.3

Trying to get checkout with no shipping and no payment
Have read all the threads on removing shopper groups, have read and tested configurations for checkout dozens of time.

It seems to me that we add a billing address and this creates a user account but then the checkout goes nowhere,

So I am baffled as to why Icant get any debug info onfront end when turned on.

It seems impossible to debug / setup without sticking the whole install on a dev setup which is a bit much when trying to configure the checkout.

Despite the complexity of options what is really missing is a flow diagram of how it is supposed to work. At least then we'd have some clue as to whether the setup is wrong or whether there is a bug that doesn't show up under checkout.

Was very enthusiastic about VM2 - the overrides are superb - but the checkout problems are killing it for us.


SO stuck checkout was because site minimum order amount was mre than what was in the cart.

Changing this made cart process.

But the feedback for VM is to provide some user messaging for this as I didnt see any warnings to the user that the minimum amount was not sufficient.
Ideally you would not get to the cart if this was the case