Category Discount Not Working In Quantity Related Price Calculation Module

Started by act242, January 29, 2013, 05:46:34 AM

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Good evening all.

I am trying to apply a discount to certain products that can be mixed and matched.

I created an unpublished category and assigned those products that I want to discount to that category.

I created a calculation rule for that product. It is as follows:
Type of Arithmetic Operation   Price Modifier Before Tax
Math Operation  -
Value 0.500
I entered the product category
Visible for Shopper: Yes
Visible for Vendor: No
Modus %5

It applies the rule to the product, but not the category.  For example, if I have Category X with Products A and B.  If I select 5 of A OR 5 of B - it applies the discount.  However, if I select 3 of A and 2 of B - no discount is assigned.

If I change the Type of Arithmetic Operation to Price Modifier Per Bill Before Tax, the rule is applied across the board.  It simply looks for 5 products (or 10, etc) in the shopping cart.  If it does find 5, it applies the discount.

I submitted a ticket to the developer 24 hours ago, but no response - so I am trying here.



Hi act242,

did you ever got a follow up on this? I have exactly the same question but cannot find how to do it!


Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

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