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Klarna installs in wrong directory?

Started by djesko86, June 11, 2012, 11:01:38 AM

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I just installed VM 2.0.7e and when i look from payment methods, there is no klarna.
And then i take ftp connection and look from directory plugins/vmpayment/ there is all others, but no klarna.
then i found it on administrator/components/com_virtuemart_allinone/plugins/vmpayment/

Is this bug on installer? previous version was VM 2.0.7d and joomla is 2.5.4


How i get klarna to show on "Payment Methods"??

Anybody got the same problem?

Installed 3 times aio.

Intaller doesn't install klarna?
script.vmallinone.php (rows 51-62):
$this->installPlugin('VM - Payment, Standard', 'plugin','standard', 'vmpayment');
$this->installPlugin('VM - Payment, Payzen', 'plugin','payzen', 'vmpayment');
$this->installPlugin('VM - Payment, SystemPay', 'plugin','systempay', 'vmpayment');
$this->installPlugin('VM - Payment,', 'plugin','authorizenet', 'vmpayment');
$this->installPlugin('VM - Payment, Paypal', 'plugin', 'paypal', 'vmpayment');

$this->installPlugin('VM - Shipment, By weight, ZIP and countries','plugin', 'weight_countries', 'vmshipment');

$this->installPlugin('VM - Custom, customer text input','plugin', 'textinput', 'vmcustom');
$this->installPlugin('VM - Custom, product specification','plugin', 'specification', 'vmcustom');
$this->installPlugin('VM - Custom, stockable variants','plugin', 'stockable', 'vmcustom');

Joomla installer message (no klarna):
com_virtuemart_allinoneInstallerScript:: SHOW TABLES LIKE "%virtuemart_payment_plg_standard" j25_virtuemart_payment_plg_standard
com_virtuemart_allinoneInstallerScript:: VirtueMart2 update #__virtuemart_payment_plg_standard
com_virtuemart_allinoneInstallerScript:: SHOW TABLES LIKE "%virtuemart_payment_plg_payzen"
com_virtuemart_allinoneInstallerScript:: SHOW TABLES LIKE "%virtuemart_payment_plg_systempay" j25_virtuemart_payment_plg_systempay
com_virtuemart_allinoneInstallerScript:: VirtueMart2 update #__virtuemart_payment_plg_systempay
com_virtuemart_allinoneInstallerScript:: SHOW TABLES LIKE "%virtuemart_payment_plg_authorizenet"
com_virtuemart_allinoneInstallerScript:: SHOW TABLES LIKE "%virtuemart_payment_plg_paypal"
com_virtuemart_allinoneInstallerScript:: SHOW TABLES LIKE "%virtuemart_shipment_plg_weight_countries" j25_virtuemart_shipment_plg_weight_countries
com_virtuemart_allinoneInstallerScript:: VirtueMart2 update #__virtuemart_shipment_plg_weight_countries
com_virtuemart_allinoneInstallerScript:: SHOW TABLES LIKE "%virtuemart_custom_plg_textinput"
com_virtuemart_allinoneInstallerScript:: SHOW TABLES LIKE "%virtuemart_custom_plg_specification"
com_virtuemart_allinoneInstallerScript:: SHOW TABLES LIKE "%virtuemart_custom_plg_stockable"
com_virtuemart_allinoneInstallerScript:: SHOW TABLES LIKE "%virtuemart_arch_plg_virtuemart"
Asennus suoritettu: Komponentti


Should i just insert this line to script.vmallinone.php line 57??:
$this->installPlugin('VM - Payment, Klarna', 'plugin', 'klarna', 'vmpayment');

is this right? or does it need to something else to change/add?



QuoteI just installed VM 2.0.7e and when i look from payment methods, there is no klarna.
Yes it is true, i have not added that line yet
Quote$this->installPlugin('VM - Payment, Klarna', 'plugin', 'klarna', 'vmpayment');

because i had some small issues to fix first.
But you are welcome to test.

You can add the entry directly via phpmyadmin by executing this query:
INSERT INTO `yourprefix_extensions` VALUES('', 'VM - Payment, Klarna', 'plugin', 'klarna', 'vmpayment', 0, 1, 1, 0, '{"legacy":true,"name":"VMPAYMENT_KLARNA","type":"plugin","creationDate":"June 2011","author":"The VirtueMart Development Team","copyright":"Copyright (C) 2004-2012 Virtuemart Team. All rights reserved.","authorEmail":"","authorUrl":"http:\\/\\/","version":"2.0.1","description":"","group":""}', '', '', '', 0, '0000-00-00 00:00:00', 0, 0);



In the f version, Klarna has been added in the installer.