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Convert payment from 1.1.8 to 2.0

Started by flybob, May 22, 2012, 15:19:41 PM

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So I finally got the plugin from our payment gateway... and find out it's written for VM 1.1.8. Our new platform ready for launch is using VM 2.0.6 so what do I do now...? I really need this payment method but I'm not sure if it's usable. I do have som experience in php/SQL etc, managing webservers and doing quite a lot of hacking i VM to suite my needs. But since the structure around this has been rebuilt i need some pointers on where to look?

To make it even worse, it's not a real plugin with an installer but rather some files to be copied into VM folders:


\administrator\components\com_virtuemart\classes\payment\payson\def.payson.php  (language definitions)
\administrator\components\com_virtuemart\classes\payment\payson\functions.payson.php (helper functions)

Can I place the files in a correct locations and add information to the database to be able to use this? I assume some changes must be made, like these:

class ps_payson { ...
(Should extend the other payment class right?)

function show_configuration() {
(Has a proper hook i believe...?)

Do you have any examples on conversions or a payment plugin shell that i can look upon to adjust this? Only got a few days :/



Hello flybob,

i have same problem!

Payson payment method,
Virtuemart 2.0.6
Joomla 2.5.4

All payments methods are located in joomla plugins:

and You need to activate them in Joomla / Extensions / Plugins

Problem with Payson is that they don't have install pack for this, and i don't know if anybody can help us to create one.

We need to push payson to do new integration module for VM2!!