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Problem after upgrade Virtuemart 2.0.2 to 2.0.4

Started by trasgu, April 11, 2012, 00:13:52 AM

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Quote from: baggeler on April 13, 2012, 00:36:10 AM
Oh, great to know there are update informations, why not put such a link directly in the Backend so user can check there after each update to check the changelog and recomendations as you included.

The link is already there - just not obvious. Click on "You have the latest version 2.0.4 "

Problem is that most users would not understand the implications of the message there as it relates to programming issues.
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

Please mention your VirtueMart, Joomla and PHP versions when asking a question in this forum


Oh, I do understand. Its the old ever existing gap between programmer and user language which frustrates both....

The mentionned link is a good example. Its technically correct and even perfectly well detailed. However a "normal" user usually does not know what the php calls are, even less what you are talking about (after all why should he, if you go to a foreign country on holiday, will you learn chinese language and be able to understand their jokes? Probably not). All a user want to know is what is working, how it works and what is not working (to save him time finding out by himself)

Thats why I suggest that not only such a release text but any support issue should start with simple terms from USER point of view and THEN, only then add the technical part which contains all the details you provide. A good way to do this is to imagine you are first explaining it to your 12 year doughter and THEN to the programmer.

As example the mentionned upgrade document could start somehow like this:

In order to improve the aplication and implement new features, we had to make some changes that WILL break your cart pass the functionality if you are using any 3rd party or modified template/view. Please make sure to test your cart and fix where needed before aplyig this to a life site.

Technical Details:

Just my 5 cents
The more I know the more I know I don´t know

Tech: Joomla 3.7.3,  Virtuemart 3.2


And - BTW - it would be a wonderful practice to  add at least this first information dominantly visible right before updating

and - if you really aim to best support the user and technically possible, consider to add a simple tool which would first backup the file and then search and replace the strings within the view. This would definitely be the most professional and user-friendly aproach...

Just my 5 cents
The more I know the more I know I don´t know

Tech: Joomla 3.7.3,  Virtuemart 3.2



I have the same problem after updating. When i add the product to the cart, nothing happens. I need to refresh to have the product there.  What can i do to solve this?

Thank you
Natural and green products:


Same problem here, some step by step instructions on how to fix\workaround this would be good.

-----Tech Info-----
Joomla 2.5.4
Virtuemart 2.0.4
-----Tech Info-----
Joomla 2.5.4
Virtuemart 2.0.4


Replacing my overrides (templates/mytemplate/html/com_virtuemart/cart/default_pricelist.php) made the price show up in the cart, but shipment and payment cost still not showing. And the Add to cart problem described by "pedromnf" still remains. Does anyone know why?

Thanks for all help so far!

Rinie Engelen

Hi to all users of this great forum,

I also have the same problem after updating. When I add the product to the cart, nothing happens. I need to refresh to have the product there.
I did have overrides, but changed them all as said in this thread before.

Virtuemart: 2.0.2 -> 2.0.4
Joomla: 2.5.4
PHP: 5.3.3

Rinie Engelen

Generation X

I also encountered the problem of no pop-up appearing on adding product to cart on a non-standard template after upgrading to J2.5.4/VM2.0.4. Suggested changes to template over-rides did not resolve the issue in that the affected files had not been over-ridden. Error reported:

Message: '$.facebox.settings' is null or not an object
Line: 52
Char: 49
Code: 0

Resolved in my case by replacing above file with vmprices.js from VM 2.0.2, as suggested in

George V.

The above solution has solved the problem with the pop-up, when adding a product to the cart.


Yep, replacing the vmprices.js with the once from 2.0.2 has FIXED it for me also, cheers guys!

-----Tech Info-----
Joomla 2.5.4
Virtuemart 2.0.4
-----Tech Info-----
Joomla 2.5.4
Virtuemart 2.0.4

Rinie Engelen

Thank you Generation X; your solution did the job!

Rinie Engelen


having the same problem - no prices in the cart.  Used the default template, used my override template with completely updated files from my latest update (updated from 2.0.2 to 2.0.6) - tried making the individual changes in the changelog, just no luck and no prices in the cart.  Should never have done that darn update!  I've spent more time doing the update and cleaning up the mess than it's worth!  Yes yes yes I have a backup that I'll be reverting to but darnit!!!