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Different discount values (VM 2.0.6)

Started by T3Am3R, April 24, 2012, 22:21:12 PM

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i have some problem with discount prices shown in the frontend and particullary in the cart. It is shown with negative sign ("-" minus) before prices, but it is regullary still a positiv value.
In cart-summary it is shown correct without minus.

Where can i fix this, so that in categories, details and cart (per product) it is shown correctly. Cause it is a bit confusing and looks like there will be discounted a value instead of added.

I've now found some settings in the calculator.php. But if i change it their to set the amount to a positiv one, i change the complete amount now for backend and email-templates! Why they have different sets, but it is still the same kind of discount?

Thanks, T3Am3R