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One ckeck out url

Started by Alexikakos, May 09, 2013, 07:35:24 AM

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Hi all.

I use joomla 2.5, virtuemart 2.0.18a.

I'm trying to connect my website with Alpha bank (Greek bank). I bought a plugin ( / virtuemart-alpha-bank-delta ...% B9% CF% 82-p-135.html) to make the connection easier.

The bank asked me ONE ckeck out url, apparently to give me access to the service cards.

The problem is that the url at check out is not the same every time ...!

Depends on the language and what products you have purchased. So I can not give a url never be the same every time!!

Especially when the Alpha bank wants only one url.

If anyone knows the problem, let us help plz.

Thank you.


Perhaps using one page checkout:

You may be able to just pull one url from there?