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getCustomVariant() ERROR.

Started by pabgn, August 31, 2012, 18:39:04 PM

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Since I updated VirtueMart to 2.0.10 my customPlugin based on "textinput" is not working anymore.
I've been looking through this forum to get it working but I just don't know what to do.
Currently, I'm showing this input in the website:

<input class="'.$class.'" type="text" id="rest" value="" size="'.$field->custom_size.'" name="customPlugin['.$field->virtuemart_custom_id.']['.$this->_name.'][comment]"><br />

It's the normal input to type some comments. Before, I could manage to read the input when the store tried to update its settings through the propierty: plgVmCalculateCustomVariant, which had this simple code:

public function plgVmCalculateCustomVariant($product, &$productCustomsPrice,$selected){

$customVariant = $this->getCustomVariant($product->customfields);  //This received the input
$productCustomsPrice->custom_price = $customVariant['comment'];
return true;

Now, the variable $customVariant is absolutely empty. I don't know what else I have to do to receive what is being sent in the input.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Best Regards.


I would say you have a template override running
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Yes, there's a templete, but it was working before I updated to 2.0.10.
Which file in the theme should I modify to get the parameters working?


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