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[Solved]Strange multilanguage issues

Started by Fintan, March 21, 2012, 10:11:55 AM

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I have finished setting up a multilanguage site.

almost everything works fine except for when I click on the product details. Then the menu associates to a language disappears.

Also when in product details in english I get just the product details as it should be. When in the German product details I get the details plus the category view.

Please have look here:

For the shop use:
User: demo
Pass: demo2012

Please tell me I don't have to assign a menu item to each product detail (there will be over 250 products when finished!).


If you are using Joomla 2.5.x:
Make shure you have both languages selected in VM2 configuration. See here:
Check if all english and german menu items are correctly assigned to "en" or "gb" (not "all")
You need a menu item in both languages pointing to your categories and your cart.
Products currently can't be associated (switch from english product description to german product description), because Joomla 2.5.x language switcher works with menu items.
Non-English Shops: Are your language files up to date?


Thank you, all my modules, incl. shop cart and menus are associated to a language (ENG/DE).

Where can I find lang packs for virtuemart 2.0.2?
I can only find packs for vmart 1.x.x.

found this:
Installed but still do not have the language chooser in configuration->shop.

Thank you for any help.


Quote from: Fintan on March 22, 2012, 09:09:04 AM

Where can I find lang packs for virtuemart 2.0.2?
The german language files are included in the Virtuemart 2 downloads available here:
If you want a seperate download, see here: (the first link)

If you don't see them, your Joomla language configuration might not be correct. Try to set german as the default site (frontend) language in Joomla. Eventually you have to click on "Install tables or if necessary update them" in the VM2 'Tools & Migration' view.

QuoteInstalled but still do not have the language chooser in configuration->shop.
The languages don't show automatically. You have to click the empty 'Multilingual Shop' field and select from the list of installed languages (German and English).
Non-English Shops: Are your language files up to date?


Okay, this is driving me nuts.

I got the lang packs from here:

Since I will also need FR ans ES I got those as well and installed them from joomla extension installer. That went fine.

Went in configuration I now see ENG, DE FR, ES

I set up the DE Top and sub product categories and set the language to DE.I then assigned my products to the Eng and DE sub category respectively.
For example: Black shoes are assigned to the black shoe Eng sub category and the Black shoes DE sub category.

In the English page I can see my products and everything works just fine. The german page however is completely busted.

What am I doing wrong?

Do I have to make a new product for each language? I would like to avoid that if possible.


Quote from: Fintan on March 22, 2012, 11:38:06 AM
Went in configuration I now see ENG, DE FR, ES
Do you see them in both, Joomla language manager and VM2 configuration? You should have installed all four Joomla and all four VM2 language packs.

QuoteDo I have to make a new product for each language? I would like to avoid that if possible.
No - if you find what is wrong with your current language setup. After adding your german language product description, you can select one of the other languages in the 'Product Edit' - 'Information' tab and enter your translation.

Did you check what you have in your VM2 database tables?  See examples:

You might also compare your setting with this tutorial:
Non-English Shops: Are your language files up to date?


Thank you, this is the status:
QuoteDo you see them in both, Joomla language manager and VM2 configuration? You should have installed all four Joomla and all four VM2 language packs.
Yes, both joomla and vmart packs are installed as well as the language content.

Checked my PHP admin, only en_gb tables.
Not very good with admin php.

Will try and check the DB anyway.

Thank you


Success! Thank you. :)
Had to clean up my db. Had 3 different table suffixes. Now it seems to include all vmart language tables.

I was a bit confused with the language drop down in the product information tab. I was thinking that if I set the language of a product to German The product would then be only in German.

Maybe vmart could add a language field (like the category field) so it is more obvious which product has which language. This could also be visible in the products listing. Just a thought.

Will be adding 2 more languages and when the shop grows to its full 200+ products it could become confusing setting the languages for each product.

where can I change the translation for the "product details" button? It still appears in English In the German page.
Again many thanks



I am trying to set up a store in English and Spanish, with English as the default store language. When I first add a product, I enter all the information in English. Then, I come back to the "Product Information" tab to select "Spanish" and proceed to translate all the fields marked with the Spanish Flag. After doing the translations and saving them, I select again "Spanish" from the "Product Information" tab to confirm that the new data has been saved. I am finding that everything I translated is properly saved, EXCEPT for the full "Product Description".   Same thing is happening with "Product Category Description".

What could the reason be? Should I be doing something else?   I am running Joomla 2.5.3 with Virtuemart 2.0.2, and am using JCE as the editor.

Thank you in advance for your assistance.


Quote from: linalm on April 01, 2012, 07:11:25 AM
, and am using JCE as the editor..
There is a compatibility issue with the JCE editor. Choose TinyMCE in Joomla 'Global Configuration' instead.
Non-English Shops: Are your language files up to date?


Thank you! That did take care of my issue.