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about payment please help

Started by selcuk, October 26, 2006, 12:05:47 PM

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 we did eroticshop but there is no bank support pos this system in turkey. so i wannna that when customer enter his credit card and shipping information in ssl  they received to my mail and i will pos manually ? please help me  it s possible in virtuemart ?


Yes you can do exactly what you need. Just add a payment method and choose the radio button CREDIT CARD. Just leave payment class name blank. It will collect the data you need and leave it ready for you to manually process.

You'll find on the order the last four digits are xxx'd out. You can find the last four digits on the print invoice (click on the little icon to pop up the invoice for printing). There is also a code change you can do to show the full credit card number in the order (when you look at it from the admin side of Virtuemart). It's here in the forum. Ask if you are not able to find it.

Good luck with your site.



there was a error when adding payment method it is

Please enter a payment method code


I think the code is just a short name for the payment class. I just have AN for our credit card payment method if that helps. I don't think it means much! You want to leave the class name blank though.



yes i did but when i enter information for testing system there is a error 

var $_PHPSHOP_CHECKOUT_ERR_NO_CCDATE = 'Girilen Kredi Kartı numarası geçersiz.';

how can manage it  :'(


I wrote a tutorial on how to secure Joomla's backend secure using SSL so it is safe to show the full or last 4 digits of the credit card number. This also shows the hack needed to show the full credit card number. Here is the link to it
Hope this helps out.