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How to reset pagination in Category view

Started by Genius WebDesign, October 05, 2017, 14:28:57 PM

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Genius WebDesign


As per normal behavior in Virtuemart the pagination in a category is stored in session, so that it remembers what page you´re on.

An example.:

1. I go to category page "Category 1" that has 3 pages of products.
2. I then go to page 2 in that category.
3. Then i go to a product page.
4. Then I go back to the category "Category 1", and now it remembers that I was on page 2, so it loads the category on page 2.

What I´m looking for is this:
1. I go to category page "Category 1" that has 3 pages of products.
2. I then go to page 2 in that category.
3. Then i go to a product page.
4. Then I go back to the category "Category 1", and now it shows the 1st page of the category.

So basically I´m looking for a way to disable the pagination session, so that VM does not remember the category page and always shows 1st page on any category unless the pagination is specifically set in the URL parameters.

Please advice.


Hi Genius WebDesign,

Did you manage to solve the pagination problem?

I am trying to solve the issue because I use Litespeed cache plugin and caches the wrong pages.
