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Prices with taxes + shipping cost shown (pre-checkout)

Started by lindapowers, July 26, 2011, 06:54:37 AM

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Hi jjk, but you mean adding just the total price with the shipping costs included? That won't show the customer how much he is paying for shipping etc no? Just a total price.

I understand perfectly Milbo that you have to work with bugs etc, however this is a requested feature for years so please just don't forget it ;) I've seen many companies and shop admins like me with the same problem.

Whatever solution solves this would be great, I don't know which one is the easiest one, this mainly happens to small companies with low cost products so entering the shipping price even per product isn't a bad idea, If it solves it ;)

I'll tell you even more, after testing like 4/5 carts before VM not one of them could solve this issue and people always required a hack.

That hack although it works is a pain in the neck for each update in VM and to make it work with most components, also when you have to send product feeds (i.e google merchant center) where price will be shown always incorrectly.

Pls let me know when theres some news about it ;)



Hi there

Just reading the forums and i have the same issue for some reason in the checkout process the shipping doesn't show up it just has -- in the box next to shipping, is there any way to show this to the customer as they are checking out.

I have a flat rate of $6 for all orders so I don't think this should be complicated, have I forgotten to tick a box somewhere to show postage? As i haven't seen this option anywhere.

Any help would be much appreciated as this is the last thing to finishing of my site.

Cheers  :)