Just checking a new install and in the Payment Method - Configuration Tab the Payment Info field displays: VMPAYMENT_STANDARD_PAYMENT_INFO_TEXT
Yes, :( will correct that
It is the message displayed to the shopper when the order is done. You can change it.
In this regard I als encountered a problem:
I specified the payment information text in VM configuration and in table jos_virtuemart_paymentmethods I can see the following entry :
payment_logos=""|countries=["81","14"]|payment_order_total="d"|payment_currency="47"|min_amount="0"|max_amount="0"|cost_per_transaction="0"|cost_percent_total="0"|tax_id="0"|payment_info="Eine Best\u00e4tigung zu Ihrer Bestellung wurde soeben an die angegebene E-Mail-Adresse geschickt. <br>\r\nDieser Best\u00e4tigungsmail k\u00f6nnen Sie den Rechnungsbetrag und unsere Bankverbindung entnehmen. <br><br>\r\n\r\nIhre Bestellung wird bearbeitet, sobald der Zahlungseingang erfolgt ist. \r\n\r\n<br><br>Achten sie bitte in Ihrem eigenen Interesse darauf, als Verwendungszweck die Rechnungsnummer anzugeben. Diese finden Sie auf dieser Seite etwas weiter unten und auch in der Best\u00e4tigungsmail.<br>\r\nDas erleichtert uns die Zuordnung der Zahlungseing\u00e4nge und nur so k\u00f6nnen wir einen schnellstm\u00f6glichen Versand garantieren. <br><br>"|
Thus, the text gets saved and also correctly displayed in VM configuration , however it gets not displayed when the order is finally confirmed in the shop frontend.
Only the following lines are displayed (language german) via $this->html statement:
Vielen Dank für Ihre Bestellung!
Zahlungsart Vorkasse
Rechnungsnummer 3855a7c2
Betrag 99,80 €
Maybe a language related problem? Any kind of help is highly appreciated! ::)
Furthermore a request to development team: is it possible to include the whole confirmation output in the order_done.php file, so that it could be modified by override?
(Joomla 1.7.3 VM 2.0.0, no update from RC, new installation! )
Best regards,
Yes you are rigth. It is missing. The text should have been displayed 1) in the confirm page, 2) in the email.
I will correct that.
Is this fixed yet ?
Yes I could use that asap!!! When will it be fixed, or could you provide a quick guide so we can do it on our own??
Hi there!!
Could you provide a solution for this issue??? I really need this asap!
Quote from: alatak on December 27, 2011, 09:02:16 AM
Yes you are rigth. It is missing. The text should have been displayed 1) in the confirm page, 2) in the email.
I will correct that.
afaik, it is fixed in the version 2.0.1.
That version is a test version available on the forum.
Could you provide a download link? also when will a stable version be released??
Quote from: alatak on February 07, 2012, 17:52:07 PM
afaik, it is fixed in the version 2.0.1.
That version is a test version available on the forum.
here is the downloadable link: http://forum.virtuemart.net/index.php?topic=96945.0
About the release, i don't know the date.
I'm usinh Joomla 2.5.1 and virtuemart 2.0.2 and I have the sam problem as the topic starter. VMPAYMENT_STANDARD_PAYMENT_INFO_TEXT is showing in emails, at the end of order (when customer confirms it and email is sent) and on customers order list. I've added this string into my language files (sl-SI.com_virtuemart.ini) as it was missing, but it's still showing. What's the problem?
Go back in the payment configuration, and write directly the sentence you would like to write.
It should work.
Now it works like a charm. Thank you very much for quick answer. Much appreciated. ;)
Hi, i have this problem too.
I have the VM 2.0.0 CR3 but i make a lot of modificacions to the source code and i cant make one upgrade. Can you tell me what modifications you do to fix the problem?
Hello, i don;t get what you mean by Go back in the payment configuration, and write directly the sentence,
I would like to remove the VMPAYMENT_STANDARD_PAYMENT_INFO_TEXT in my invoice email
Quote from: alatak on March 04, 2012, 17:15:58 PM
Go back in the payment configuration, and write directly the sentence you would like to write.
It should work.