Where can I get the Flyspray integration that you are using? It's very nice integrated into Joomla.
Is it a separate installation of Flyspray (and database) and then a bridge between Joomla and Flyspray or is it completely integrated into Joomla?
Thanks for information since I need to get some structuture (not only SW development but also personal ;D )
Sören: Is it possible to my hands on the Flyspray integration component (your beta for 0.99 DEV)??
Please send my a copy!!!
I won't send anyone anything before Flyspray 0.99 has officially been released. It would be silly to publish code that changes each day and may be buggy!
So please calm down and be patient.
ciao, Soeren
Ok. Thank you!
I'm waiting for it... but... if you put at CVS flyspray.php.... :o
Beta 1 of FlySpray is released...
Can you post Flyspray-Joomla integration? Please!!!!
Any news about the flyspray 0.99 bridge for joomla?