Please see blow
bundled with is the excellent template ...
Hi again,
Actually I am already using horme3, but I am having a problem with it, product pages open fine, but category pages and every other VM page that isn't a product crashes with error message: Call to undefined method Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication::isAdmin()
Also, with debugging on, I get this 1st line: () JROOT/templates/buy-gems-online/html/pagination.php:49
(buy-gems-online is the renamed horme3)
Can anybody say what could be wrong?
By the way I'm on J4.1.4 and VM4.0.0.10645
Maybe test the more recent release.
I don't believe that Horme3 is completely J4 ready yet. Spyros is still working on it.
I'm not updating from J3 to J4 for at least a few months yet......
Strangely after updating to the suggested latest versions of horme3 and vm4, I still have the same problem, products open properly but all pages made of category lists give results:
Call to undefined method Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication::isAdmin()
And the 1st line of debugging says:
() JROOT/templates/horme_3/html/pagination.php:49
Are there special settings to make it work? I am so poor to understand all the bootstrap and jquery and all these library things, I have no clue about what setting could help... But all was fine with J3.x and VM3, all on horme3 as well... am I the only one with this issue?
Spyros, the Horme template builder, has confirmed it is not yet J4 ready.
The reason no one will have reported it is that there is no business case to be using J4 in it's early state.
BTW isAdmin() has been replaced by isClient('admin') in Joomla 4 so maybe it's enough to trace where the isAdmin is being called and replace it
QuoteSpyros, the Horme template builder, has confirmed it is not yet J4 ready.
Then why the heck did they shipped that release, with that template?
How many times should somebody get hurt to learn simple lessons?
lol, balai. The answer is so simple.
First, if you would read the news for vm4, you would have been read, that VM4 is mainly developed on J3! Because j4 is too new for a real business, just tooo many bugs. And stuff which worked on j4.0 may not work on j4.1.
Horme is for VM4 with j3. There will be a horme for j4, but it is not ready yet. You can see that also, because horme3 uses Bootstrap3, which does not work on j4, because the joomla guys like to destroy old work. There is no need for all of that, it is just the stupid joomla philosophy to provide CTMS and not just a CMS,... ContentTemplateManagmentSystem
The question remains the same.
Why did you include a package which is not compatible with your component's mentioned specs/compatibility?
QuoteBecause j4 is too new for a real business, just tooo many bugs. And stuff which worked on j4.0 may not work on j4.1.
Joomla 4 is the de-facto version used almost for any new project now. Nobody is going to build his new site with a cms version that will be dead in a year.
It happens that i upgraded my extensions for J4 when J4 was in beta phase.
Also developed a complex extension for Joomla 4 since beta and already have a dozen installations in J4.
All work fluently and way better than their J3 counterparts.
Could you please point me to the serious bugs in Joomla 4 reported in the J4 repo?
Yes, but we released some months ago already, right? What we introduced is a new system, we got the bs3 files for free, they were just ready. But the bs4 files must be written. Do you get the point now?
Just do not blame around, write the new bs4 core files, then you could ask, why they are not included already. Just take the existing bs3- files and rewrite them to work with bs4.
The first problem should be know by Max. Becasue you have a plenty of plugins/templates/modules ... that have same issue with
SiteApplication::isAdmin() or isSite()
Solution is to search and replace in all your files
isSite() by isClient('site')
isAdmin() by isClient('administrator')
You can check here for some other issues
But of course this list is not complete
How are the template's fatal errors related with BS?
This clearly shows that it is merged without even being tested in J4 and without even asking it's developer which states that it is not J4 ready.
In any case my intention is not to blame and i stop that here.
I write this to improve the processes and raise standards which hurt that project.
Quote from: Studio 42 on June 23, 2022, 11:40:06 AM
The first problem should be know by Max. Becasue you have a plenty of plugins/templates/modules ... that have same issue with
SiteApplication::isAdmin() or isSite()
Solution is to search and replace in all your files
isSite() by isClient('site')
isAdmin() by isClient('administrator')
You can check here for some other issues
But of course this list is not complete
Look, that makes so hard todo this work. I replaced maybe 50 locations of this code. So telling me that is,... embarrising. Just stupid. It ignores completly the hours of work i did already, because I "missed" 1 minute of work.
That is like taking out the rubbish every week, you miss it one time and then you are blamed for "never taking the rubbish out". Just not fair.
Quote from: balai on June 23, 2022, 12:42:57 PM
How are the template's fatal errors related with BS?
Joomla 3 needs Bootstratp 3 templates and Joomla 4 needs Bootstrap (BS) 4 templates. You did not know that? not my shame.
Quote from: balai on June 23, 2022, 12:42:57 PM
This clearly shows that it is merged without even being tested in J4
Yes, it is also not for j4, so we did not test on j4, so simple. You do not need todo your homework, but before you rant, you should at least do, .... your homework.
Quote from: balai on June 23, 2022, 12:42:57 PM
In any case my intention is not to blame and i stop that here.
I write this to improve the processes and raise standards which hurt that project.
But you do... There is simple thing to "enhance", tell the joomla guys, that we would like to have the possibility to select the css framework ourself.
Quote from: Studio 42 on June 23, 2022, 11:40:06 AM
isSite() by isClient('site')
isAdmin() by isClient('administrator')
No, you replace it against VmConfig::isSite or VmConfig::isSiteByApp, the difference is for the admin mode in the FE.
I do not understand what you mean about my answer Max?
This is only a common problem for 20% of all know Joomla plugins
Most plugins used isAdmin() and isSite() before and each test i do with Joomla 4 break because this damn depreciate code !
It's not about you, but about Joomla Team !