VirtueMart Forum

VirtueMart 2 + 3 + 4 => Installation, Migration & Upgrade => Topic started by: DNT on May 30, 2022, 12:32:04 PM

Title: Vendor
Post by: DNT on May 30, 2022, 12:32:04 PM

I try to make myself a vendor and becom this message?

vmError: vmTable store updateObject Incorrect datetime value: '0' for column `MYDB`.`hmthy_virtuemart_userinfos`.`locked_on` at row 1 UPDATE `hmthy_virtuemart_userinfos` SET `virtuemart_user_id`='654',`address_type`='BT',`address_type_name`='',`company`='Sample Company',`title`='Mr',`last_name`='John',`first_name`='Doe',`middle_name`='',`phone_1`='555-555-555',`phone_2`='',`fax`='',`address_1`='PO Box 123',`address_2`='',`city`='Seattle',`virtuemart_state_id`='0',`virtuemart_country_id`='223',`zip`='98101',`agreed`='0',`tos`='0',`customer_note`='',`modified_on`='2022-05-30 10:29:50',`modified_by`='654',`locked_on`='0',`locked_by`='0' WHERE `virtuemart_userinfo_id` = '1'

What is going on here?

The currently installed Joomla! version is "‎4.1.4"‎ with VirtueMart 4.0.0 10645 - PHP 7.4
Title: Re: Vendor
Post by: Jörgen on May 30, 2022, 16:09:59 PM
The date format has changed. I suggest to go to VMconfig tools and make a database repair and update.

Backup applies of course.

Title: Re: Vendor
Post by: DNT on May 30, 2022, 16:35:08 PM
That is not working.

could this be related to the migration from joomla 3 to 4?