I get the following error (on every page):
vmError: Could not find product with id 100, entries exists for language? en-GB
Does anyone know how to fix this?
Joomla! 3.9.19
VirtueMart 3.8.2 10325
Thanks and regards,
Edit products item 100 and make sure you have entries for all your languages.
There is no item 100, because the ID starts at 182.
Then You must have deleted item 100 and have a child that points to ID 100. Replace with correct ID or set = 0.
Jörgen @ Kreativ Fotografi
Item 100 is deleted, but there is no child pointing to 100.
How can I set it to 0 ?
It is somehow looking for an entry of ID 100. I would look through also the language specific product tables and see if something still has the virtuemart_product_id = 100. The value 100 is no default value, You must have this entry in your database.
Jörgen @ Kreativ Fotografi
check the
#__virtuemart_products product_parent_id for an entry of 100 .. if found set to 0
LP Webdesign claims that he does not have any child items pointing to ID 100 ...
Jörgen @ Kreativ Fotografi
I checked the product tables for all existing languages but i'm unable to find this ID 100 :o :o
Only the products table and products_en_gb has products the rest is empty.
True as far as I know I don't have any child items pointing to ID 100
You are telling us that You do not use any child products all?
You should still check Your products table. and look for product_parent_id. You will probably find an ID 100 in there.
Quotecheck the
#__virtuemart_products product_parent_id for an entry of 100 .. if found set to 0
Quote from: Jörgen on June 22, 2020, 00:09:01 AM
You are telling us that You do not use any child products all?
You should still check Your products table. and look for product_parent_id. You will probably find an ID 100 in there.
I checked them, but there is no ID with 100
Quote from: GJC Web Design on June 22, 2020, 08:46:18 AM
Quotecheck the
#__virtuemart_products product_parent_id for an entry of 100 .. if found set to 0
I have checked there, but there is no entry of 100
You must find in customfield table, where is connection between parent and child.
Dou you search there?
Nice clue, Rudolf.
table: virtuemart_customs
Jörgen @ Kreativ Fotografi
Quote from: pinochico on June 22, 2020, 17:05:21 PM
You must find in customfield table, where is connection between parent and child.
Dou you search there?
Thank you for your reply.
I checked both tables:
But both are empty.
Kind regards,
Fixed by adding a random product with ID of 100 to table virtuemart_products & virtuemart_products_en_gb.
Do you have only one language ?
Was it an image that pointed to this item ? Or what was it ?
Jörgen @ Kreativ Fotografi
that was a test if we are ready 8)
Quote from: Jörgen on June 30, 2020, 17:28:47 PM
Do you have only one language ?
Was it an image that pointed to this item ? Or what was it ?
Jörgen @ Kreativ Fotografi
I have multiple languages, but still don't know what exactly caused the error.
I found this on a customer's website. It turned out to be that the owner had deleted some products, but those products had been set as "related products" of another product. Seems like a bit of a bug here. If a product is deleted, it should be removed as a related product.
Hope that helps. :-)
Quote from: finbarr69 on July 21, 2020, 00:49:03 AM
I found this on a customer's website. It turned out to be that the owner had deleted some products, but those products had been set as "related products" of another product. Seems like a bit of a bug here. If a product is deleted, it should be removed as a related product.
Hope that helps. :-)
Hi Brian, hi all,
Agree, I had same issue, and did some SQL queries to clean up all related orphans products.
And also don't forget that if you delete a product, you or a customer that have an orders with this product involved, will get a "vmerror notice" for this on login.
This should be corrected in a future version.
Hey there,
i know its an old topic but i search here my problem too and for all the people who come behind me...
For me was the problem that ill use the Products in a Dynamic Content Field and choose it there by hand before ill erase the products
If ill change the products in the dynamic content field the error wasnt shown anymore
just look for related product type with id 100 in the content in custom fields table
Edit: For those who need the query, I use this to find all unpublished complementary products that are attributed to products
FROM `m2db5_virtuemart_products` a
LEFT JOIN `m2db5_virtuemart_product_customfields` b
ON a.`virtuemart_product_id` = b.`customfield_value`
WHERE b.`virtuemart_custom_id` = 1 AND a.`published` = 0
I had the same problem after deleting some products. For my case, this error was displayd because of VM module "Recently viewed" for products that I had opened before deleting. When I opened site in brauser safe mode - error didn't display.
Ah yes ... because recent is stored in the session