I have online store with Joomla / VirtueMart. I updated Joomla to 3.7.1 and VirtueMart to 3.2.2
Also update all components, there was a lot of errors, but now I have only few relating to VirtueMart. Can somebody help me to solve them?
The first is this: Strict Standards: Non-static method CatproductAdmin::getFieldVars() should not be called statically in /home/pupi/public_html/plugins/vmcustom/catproduct/catproduct/helpers/catproductadmin.php on line 54
The second which I see is this: Notice: Undefined variable: product in /home/pupi/public_html/templates/milano/html/com_virtuemart/sublayouts/related.php on line 46
Also, when I browse product item from main category page, I got this result: https://www.pupi.bg/girls/bejova-puhkava-jiletka-detail with missing css and etc. When the product is browse from child category is okay.
Catproduct is a 3rd party plugin and the related is an override and old