I had joomla 3.3 with VM 2.9.6 running on the virtuemarts.net vivid template. When I learnt that 2.9.9+ had the add to cart feature on the category page, I updated to 3.0.0.
Still, the add to cart with quantity feature is not showing on my products... Anything special I need to do to enable this feature? The vivid template was updated on 21 November so I guess it does have support for this, or could it be the template?
Thanks in advance for your assitance!
Not possible to say without a URL but you (or the template supplier) probably needs to update their template overrides. To tset this either switch to Beez template or renane [yourvividtemplate]/html/com_virtuemart directory to something else to prevent the overrides from being called.
http://extensions.virtuemart.net/ runs on VM3 so you can see the recent changes to the category layouts (although this one has extra styling).
Thank you very much. Renaming the template's com_virtuemart DID the trick... I will talk with the template's providers support since they claimed full support of VM3 and it doesn't seem they do as they claim...
Thanks again!