At last - an Amazon style reviews component for Virtuemart
In other words users can only review products that they have actually bought. The Admin can of course add new reviews and moderate/edit existing reviews.
At the moment any VirtueMart registered user can review any product whether they have bought it or not.
The package can also handle "one off" products as it stores each purchased products details and user information to a separate component which the administrator has full control over.
Even if the product is later deleted from VM there record is still kept along with the image in the VMReview component.
It can also be set up to send review reminder emails to the purchaser after a set period of time.
Full information is available here: Virtuemart 3-2 Product Review Package Instruction PDF (
You can test it here at GJC Web Design VM 3-2 Product Review (
You can download it here - Virtuemart 3-2 Product Review Component Download ( Price is €40.00
When an order is confirmed in your Virtuemart shop a plugin stores the details of each product purchased along with the product image and can even be set to copy this image to a save folder so if the product is later deleted the images are still available.
Depending on your settings a reminder email can be sent out to the client after a configurable time asking them to review their product.
When the client logins to your site in the "My Account" area is an extra tab with all the products he has purchased (note products - not orders) and there they have the ability to place a review for each product or read the reviews they have placed before hand.
Of course there is full management for the Administrator to moderate, publish and set up new reviews.
The reviews can be displayed in multiple ways - either as a review page or as modules that can be set to display in various ways.
A lot more information is contained in our handbook which you can download here - Virtuemart 3-2 Product Review Package Instruction PDF ( .
There is full management and moderation of all reviews.
There are also lots of ways to display the resulting reviews
The user has a full over view of their purchases and reviews.
Download it at: Virtuemart 3-2 Product Review Component (
Is there a way for me to test the emails that will be sent to customers after purchase? I want to see how customizable that is.
Also, is there a way for me to test the whole plugin before I purchase because it is pretty expensive?
Hi, it's much more than a plugin
it is a full component with 3 plugins and a module - a complete reviews solution.. did you download the pdf etc and try the test site?
The emails are fully configurable thru the language ini's e.g.
VMCUSTOM_REVIEWS_SUBJECT="Review reminder from "
VMCUSTOM_REVIEWS_SUBJECT2="Review reminders sent. "
VMCUSTOM_REVIEWS_BODY3=" you purchased item "
VMCUSTOM_REVIEWS_BODY5="If you are satisfied with this product we would be delighted if you would leave a review via our sites member area.\nSimply login and browse to 'Your Account' where you will be able to submit your review.\n\nThank you."
If you email me on I can make you an admin for the site so you can trial it.
The component development continues.
Included in v1.4
1. Plugin and template over ride to show the appropriate reviews on the product details pages
2. Built in importer to import all orders that belong to registered customers. These purchases are then available for the client t add a review in their Account area and reminder emails can be sent out in batches automatically.
3. html mails with placeholders possible in the email plugin.
4. More info on the reviews component display and module plus linking to the product - all selectable.
5. Improved usability of the Account reviews section.
I am considering buying this component. But I am missing one thing: Google's rich snippets. Is it possible to add those to your component so product pages also display the rich snippets (review stars) in the google organic results.?
Hi, can't be difficult - what is the syntax that Google requires do you know?
And would that be the average rating?
Does this extension work?
I tried logging into the test/demo site and get an "Invalid Token" error...
It looks like it might be a nice replacement for the standard, fairly limited review module, but...
****EDIT - Now for Joomla 3 - VM 3 *******
What did u try to login with? You can contact me directly if you need more info....
P.S.. just tried with testshopper testshopper - worked fine
The package has now been upgraded for Joomla 3/ VM3 -
In the download are two versions - a Joomla 3 / VM3 and a Joomla 2.5 /VM2 version
Further upgrades made:
1. works with parent/childs
2. All reviews together in clients maintenance area where they can make and review their old reviews
3. Possible to send automatic multiple configurable html email reminders at set intervals for a configurable number of times
4. fully compatible
5. 'helpful' ranking of reviews
6. separate reviews views a la Amazon
7. problem free addition of ratings stars in any module or display
8. all reviews independent of the actual product .. so if the product is discontinued or one off you still have your reviews and images
9. import of all old orders as separate product purchases and you can kick off email reminders for these old orders
10. simple one line integration in any template
A couple of sites using it:
What I meant in the other post is that it would be great that you sold the module too as a standalone module for core reviews also, cause there is no other around.
I'm still on a heavily hacked VM1.1. .. :P -- its a snail race between AH and me .. to see who migrates first
just email me with the company and vat id etc and I will issue a B2B invoice webmaster at
Quote from: GJC Web Design on March 01, 2016, 13:50:29 PM
I'm still on a heavily hacked VM1.1. .. :P -- its a snail race between AH and me .. to see who migrates first
just email me with the company and vat id etc and I will issue a B2B invoice webmaster at
Ouch, you are fast, was editing, oks ill do.
I see one of those are using the same template as us, so that convinced me to buy it.
Just one question, can I migrate current reviews?
By migrate I mean even write them manually or in a nasty way via database. That would do :D
works in Spyros's templates perfectly
there is no migration for old reviews .. but I guess I could look at that as well ...
in the short term just copy -paste into the admin
Hi does this allow Guest shoppers to leave a review as well?
I don't want to force customers to have to log in, in order for them to leave a review.
nope sorry.. the whole point is that the user is a kosher buyer and can handle all their orders and reviews in one place (Account management) like e.g. Amazon/Ebay
with a guest user there is no way to link a review etc to a user/shopper
Hi, I am looking for a way for me, admin, to put in reviews on the backend. I am a traveling speaker. People buy books at my seminars, so, there's no order placed. Those same people email me alot with their reviews on my books. With plain VM I can't put those reviews in. At the same time, it is quite naive to expect people to care enough to come back simply for a review. This is not a huge store, it's just two-three of my books there. So, when they place an order, it's too early to expect them to review, by the time they get the package, they might not start reading immediately, by the time they read it, I guess they don't even remember site address where did they get the book from... So, I'll never get reviews from those who bought it online, and can't put in those reviews I have from onsite events... Any solution???
With my component you can add reviews and ratings (all info) from the admin.
Quote from: GJC Web Design on December 11, 2016, 11:10:06 AM
With my component you can add reviews and ratings (all info) from the admin.
Before I give you money, last question: when showling reviews will it pick the styles from the template I am using for my site?
Yes of course.. it is a fully configured component with all the normal templating options available in any Joomla extension
Have you downloaded the pdf etc? -
tried the sites using it?
Some minor updates and fixes in the latest version
17.12.2016 v2.0.8
Added: Direction choice by Date in Reviews Component
Added: Date display in overall Reviews Display
Added: VM sublayout example for Rating Stars on Category View
Added: Direction choice by Date in Productdetails VM view
Changed: css widths of overall Reviews Display
Fixed: Translations of "Stars" on Productdetails VM view
Fixed: Average rating display on Productdetails VM view
20.11.2016 v2.0.7
Fixed: Show date on Productdetails VM view
Fixed: pagination fix for filtered reviews
Fixed: router fix for no product id
Good day :)
I have a feature request... I would feel much better sending reminders to my customers if I gave them an option to opt out from receiving further reminders. I also believe it's considered good e-mail practice to always offer unsubscribe links from all automated e-mails being sent out...
Can we give users this possibility? I guess we basically need a new table that keeps track of "blocked" / unsubscribed users - any user who clicks a "unsubscribe" link ends up there and before every sending the plugin checks this blocked users list first :).
Curious to hear your thoughts.
Hi Peter,
would be perfectly possible.. but as sales of this extension run at about 3-4 a year maximum if I'm lucky, then I have to charge for any new features I'm afraid...
Have u bought the component?
Hello GJC,
since I need a plugin that sends customers an request email for a review of the product after a period of about 2 weeks, i'm interested in your plugin "Virtuemart Product Review Component".
I would like to have only one clarification:
the name of the product is inserted into the email as a link, and redirects to the product page on my site, giving the customer the possibility to leave a review in a very simple way, or is it a simple text?
If this feature is not available, is it possible to integrate it?
Thank you.
Hi Federico Fedro,
yes -- html emails are sent with the product/s info .. everything is configurable
please read thru where everything is explained and examples are given
am just building a new example site here: not fully finished yet:
******* UPDATE ********
From version 2.1.0
Users can review products that they have actually bought within their administration area and now with this new version Guest and/or the public can, if enabled, also leave reviews.
The Admin can of course add new reviews and moderate/edit existing reviews.
Who can leave reviews and what credentials they need is fully configurable.
******* UPDATE ********
From version 2.1.1
An opt out link to prevent further review reminders is now included in the reminder email
I highly recommend this component. I using it on my website, example here,
John support is outstanding. We have some problems, with implementation and my custom demands, but he reply to me in few hours and solve all my request.
Hi. I am interested in this extension. I want to ask about the position. Can I, as an administrator, add a star rating without a text review? I have two e-shops where they use asterisks as a level or a level of embryos. 5 stars = great product, 4 stars = quality product for advanced, 3 stars = good product for beginners. Something along those lines. I do this by connecting to a MySQL database and adding rows. It's tedious. If I used a component, it would not be good if I did the first evaluation of the product as an administrator.
My idea:
1. The products have no text evaluation and with the help of the component buyers can start writing it.
2. For each product, I want to set the first star rating as an administrator. Buyers can then add star ratings.
3. After installing the component, can I reach all buyers with a history of 5 years and thousands of orders?
Will it be set up?
Thank you
1. Yes.. you can set up reviews from the admin anonymously with or without texts and any rating you want for any product.
2. I don't understand the question.. when the review form is opened the stars are selected initially at 5 .. the reviewer can then select what rating they want
3. yes.. there is an importer for existing orders .. then will then be able to trigger review reminders
4. no .. price is for the component .. to install and configure would be 1 hour extra
1. - 3. Nice
4. there is no point 4. Just a supplementary question, whether points 1 - component can. I guess I translated correctly. My English is weak because I don't like to speak a foreign language and use a translator :)
Thanks for the anwers. I'll buy.
Hi, GJC Web Design
Is this component ready for VirtueMart 4 and Joomla 4
Thank you
No not yet ... have no spare time atm sorry ---
Hello GJC,
in app VM Reviews is created rich snippets for product with price?
how can I make off this rich snippets for product and use only rich snippets for reviews?
VirtueMart 3.8.2 10325
VM Review 2.1.2
the rich snippets are created in the over ride template \html\com_virtuemart\productdetails\default_gjcshowreviews.php
just comment out the lines from around line 140 that u don't need
Quote from: GJC Web Design on December 10, 2020, 12:25:11 PM
******* UPDATE ********
From version 2.1.1
An opt out link to prevent further review reminders is now included in the reminder email
Ohhh how I have been missing this feature :). Expect a new order coming in asap :D
Sent from my S62 Pro using Tapatalk
Hi, is this extension compatible with VM4?
VM4 yes .. J4 no
The demo site is not working. I would like to test the reviews before purchasing. Can you please help?
Hmmm ... thanks for letting me know .. recently changed hosts and the site has taken against the change .. ::)
Will build another .. stay tuned
Here are some live sites using the extension currently:
demo up and running -
Quote from: GJC Web Design on January 26, 2023, 19:34:02 PM
demo up and running -
Thks and great addon!
Hi John,
Is this component still supported? IE does it work with the newest Virtuemart and Joomla 4? I'm still on Joomla 3 because of the 2 year extended support, but i will upgrade in the near future. Thanks!
still haven't got round to J4'ing it but it works fine on VM4/php8.1
Quote from: GJC Web Design on October 17, 2023, 10:37:27 AM
still haven't got round to J4'ing it but it works fine on VM4/php8.1
Awesome! Then I will buy the component and see if it fits my requirements.
Yeah I think adding the 2 years to the J3 is a godsend, so you'll have at least two years ot make it compatible ???? Thanks for the reply!
I hope it will be ready for J4 / V4 soon, I'm waiting for it ! Not so far I suppose ?
Any news? I am waiting for the update too. Will hold back my upgrade to J4 until it is ready : )